Talis Money Market
Retirement Mutual Fund


Risk Level


Low Risk

Investment Policy Invest in government or corporate fixed income instruments, deposits or deposit-equivalent instruments, money market mutual funds, or other fixed income instruments issued in Thailand.
Fund Type Money Market Fund
Retirement Mutual Fund: RMF
Fund Types by AIMC Money Market - Government
Registered Fund Capital (MB) 1,000
Fund Registration Date 18 November 2016
Trustee Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited
Registrar Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited.
Dividend Payout Policy No dividend payment
Transaction Period (Subscription) Every trading day 08.30 A.M. - 3.30 P.M.
Transaction Period (Redemption) Every trading day 08.30 A.M. - 3.30 P.M.
Settlement Period T+1 (business day)
Minimum Initial Subscription Amount/Minimum Additional Subscription Amount 1,000 Baht/1,000 Baht
Minimum redemption/Minimum​ account balance Not defined/Not defined
Fees Charged to the Fund (% p.a. of NAV, included VAT)
Management fee ​Trustee fee ​Registrar fee
Stated rate in the prospectus Actual Stated rate in the prospectus Actual Stated rate in the prospectus Actual
0.5350 0.2140 0.1070 0.0316 0.1284 0.0749
Fees Charged to Unitholders (% of trading value, included VAT)​
Front-end Fee/
Switching-in Fee (from Talisam funds)
Back-end Fee Switching- in Fee
(from other asset management companies' funds)
Switching-out Fee
(to other asset management companies' funds)
Stated rate in the prospectus Actual Charged Stated rate in the prospectus Actual Charged Stated rate in the prospectus Actual Charged Stated rate in the prospectus Actual Charged
None None None None None None 200 Baht per transaction 200 Baht per transaction