We adopt an Absolute Return approach with a view to earning profits regardless of market directions. Our experts perform an in-depth fundamental analysis and business valuation to identify undervalued yet promising companies worth placing a stake in.
We thoroughly and systematically analyze the stock market based on historical patterns and current trends to pinpoint 15-20 high-performing stocks with big upside potential.
We invest in the following stocks:
Mr. Tonpibulsak has over 25 years of financial investment experience. Prior to joining Talis Asset Management, he worked as a security analyst, a fund manager, a financial advisor, the Chief Investment Officer for Krungsri Asset Management, as well as the director of a manufacturing company. There, he leveraged his expertise in debt structuring and successfully saved the company from going under; even more impressive, he made them profitable. It comes as no surprise that he’s earned numerous awards including the Money & Wealth Award (LTF), The Rising Star, the asset management Firm of the Year Award from Asset Magazine, the Outstanding Asset Management Company Award from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and the Best Money Market Fund and Best RMF Fixed Income Fund Awards from Money & Banking Magazine.
Having been a security analyst, a fund manager, and an equity security consultant for leading retail and financial institutions for over 20 years, Mr. Simaroj is known for his keen eye when it comes to determining shares with high return on investment. In fact, he is one of a team who has won the Best Mixed Asset Group and the Best Overall Group awards from The Post/Lipper Thailand Fund for four consecutive years, as well as the Morningstar Fund Awards under the Thailand Equity Large Cap category.
Ms. Tangapichartcharoen has over 15 years of financial investment experience, and has served as a security analyst, an equity security consultant for various retail and financial institutions, and a fund manager. She has won two prestigious awards from Money & Banking Magazine including the Best Money Market Treasury Award and the Best RMF Money Market Award.
With a Degree in Economics from Thammasat University and a Level 2 Certified Investment and Securities Analyst (CISA) certificate, Mr. Rojanaphruk is no stranger to the world of investment, management, and finance. In fact, he has worked in the finance industry for nine years and has managed over 400 private fund accounts with returns on investment of up to 200%.
Completed a bachelor’s degree with second-class honors in the international program, majoring in Financial Analysis and Investment. He also holds a CFA level III qualification. In addition, he has an extensive expertise in securities analysis across various industries from his previous experience with a renowned financial institution.
He has completed undergraduate degree in Business and Finance from Thammasat University and a master's degree in Investment Management from the ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading. He is currently certified by the CFA Institute as a CFA Charterholder and have over 5 years of experience in the finance industry with renowned financial institutions. His area of specialization encompasses securities analysis and the creation of financial models for investment analysis, spanning diverse industries on both a national and international scale.